Apr 9, 2024

Any Ford dealership will tell you that wheel alignment is a key element of maintenance that you should never overlook. Crucial to keep your vehicle running safely and smoothly, properly aligned wheels will ensure that your ride is a comfortable one too. But why is getting the alignment of your wheels checked so important? Here we take a look at some of the signs to look for that indicate a problem, as well as how to resolve the issue.

A Ford mechanic in Wellington, OH working on a tire alignment

Why Does Wheel Alignment Matter?

If your Ford’s wheels aren’t properly aligned, your safety is at risk whenever you’re on the road. Misalignment will cause your vehicle to pull to one side and shudder when driving at speed. Your tires will have reduced traction too, resulting in impaired handling. Not only that, but your tires will experience uneven wear, costing you more in maintenance bills in the long run.

How Will Properly Aligned Wheels Help?

When your wheels are correctly aligned, your vehicle will run more smoothly on the road. It’ll be easier to handle and won’t veer to the side when driving. Your ride will be far more comfortable too, with no shaking or rattling when moving at speed.

You’ll benefit from improved safety since making sharp turns and sudden stops will be easier and less risky thanks to better traction. Furthermore, your tires will last far longer, saving you money. As your vehicle will become more fuel efficient too, you’ll benefit from a double saving as you’ll visit the gas station less often!

Do My Wheels Need Aligning?

There are some key signs to look for that will suggest your wheels are out of alignment. You may find your Ford pulls to the right or left while driving, or that your vehicle feels more wobbly than usual. Your tires may be wearing out more rapidly on one side of the vehicle than the other too, and they may be making unusual noises. These symptoms all suggest it’s time to get your wheels checked for proper alignment.

Even if you don’t experience these symptoms, it’s still a good idea to get your wheels checked for proper alignment every 6000 miles. That’ll ensure your vehicle remains in top condition at all times.

Do I Need To Visit My Ford Dealership To Get My Wheels Aligned?

Getting your wheels properly aligned isn’t something you can do yourself without specialist knowledge and equipment. It’s easy to take your Ford to your local dealership. The mechanics can take a look at your wheels and make sure their correctly aligned without any ​difficulties.

​If you’re experiencing the signs of poorly aligned wheels or you ​haven’t had your wheels checked recently, book an appointment with Harrison Ford in Wellington, OH today. Our ​professional team ​are here to keep you motoring safely!